Legal Notice: Request for Bids on Structural Steel

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Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District (HPL) is looking for prospective bidders interested in bidding on the upcoming project for the New Helen Plum Public Library (HPL), Lombard IL. HPL will be accepting sealed lump sum bids for Bid Package #2 which includes the following: – BP#2-05 Structural Steel.

All interested contractors need to contact the Construction Manager noted below to be placed on the bidders list.

Helen M Plum Memorial Public Library District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and to accept the bid from the lowest responsive, responsible bidder which is considered to be in the best interest of the District.  All bids are to be in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders as noted in the Project Manual.  All bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond equal to 10% of the bid amount, and the successful bidder will also be required to furnish a 100% Payment and Performance Bond as noted in the Bid Documents. 

A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Tuesday @ 11:00am April 20th, virtually.   All prospective bidders are encouraged to attend. This meeting will be held virtually, please see instruction to bidders for Link to the Meeting.

Sealed Bids Due and will be received until Tuesday May 4th, 2021 until the hour of 2:00pm and shall be delivered to:

Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District
c/o–Sue Wilsey
Director - Communication

110 West Maple St
Lombard, IL 60148


Bidders to also place company name and Bid package number on face of envelope.

Bid Opening will follow shortly virtually – See instruction to bidders for link to view the bid opening.

Bid Information and Documents may be viewed at the Dodge Construction plan room and at the Construction Managers office commencing April 12th, 2021 until bid opening

Please direct questions to:

Frederick Quinn Corporation

103 S. Church Street

Addison, Illinois 60101

Phone:  (630) 628-8500

Fax:  (630) 628-8595

Contact Person:
Fred Marano: