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Request an Adult Study Room

About Study Rooms

Helen Plum Library offers study rooms available throughout the Library in Adult, Youth, and Teen Services:

  • Reservations may be made up to 1 week in advance for Helen Plum Library cardholders. Rooms are available to those without Helen Plum Library cards on a walk-in basis.
  • Groups and individuals may reserve study rooms for a maximum of 2 hours per day. Patrons can remain in the room for longer if there are no other reservations. If another patron reserves the room after someone has been in for two hours or longer, they will be asked to leave the room to accommodate the other patron. 
  • Reservations will be held for 15 minutes past the scheduled start time. If a patron does not sign into the room within 15 minutes of their scheduled start, their reservation will be forfeited. 
  • Study Rooms are not soundproof. Users are expected to show consideration for those in neighboring study rooms and other Library patrons.
  • Users need to sign in at the nearest service desk. In Adult Services, a library card or ID will be held while the room is signed out.

Connect With Us

Adult Services
(630) 627-0316 ext. 722

Rooms by Date

View study room availability by your chosen day and time.

Study Rooms

Photo of Study Room A with a table, four chairs, and LCD screen

2nd Floor
Two-hour time limit, bookable up to 1 week in advance for cardholders.
Reservation will be held 15 minutes after start time, after which the reservation will be cancelled. 

Room Details
Photo of Study Room B with a table, four chairs, and LCD screen

2nd Floor
Two-hour time limit, bookable up to 1 week in advance for cardholders.
Reservation will be held 15 minutes after start time, after which the reservation will be cancelled. 

Room Details
Photo of Study Room C with a table, chair, and marker board

2nd Floor
Two-hour time limit, bookable up to 1 week in advance for cardholders.
Reservation will be held 15 minutes after start time, after which the reservation will be cancelled. 

Room Details
Photo of Study Room D with table, chair, and dry erase board

2nd Floor
Two-hour time limit, bookable up to 1 week in advance for cardholders.
Reservation will be held 15 minutes after start time, after which the reservation will be cancelled. 

Room Details
Photo of Study Room E with four chairs, a table, and LCD Monitor

2nd Floor
Two-hour time limit, bookable up to 1 week in advance for cardholders.
Reservation will be held 15 minutes after start time, after which the reservation will be cancelled. 

Room Details