Apply for a Passport Today!
U.S. citizens may apply for their passport at Helen Plum Library.
If you already have a passport, be sure to see how much longer it’s valid. Your passport is valid for 10 years, but remember that your children's passports are only valid for 5 years. Many countries require that your passport have 6 months of validity on it when you enter the country.
If you are applying for the first time or are under 16 years old, you must appear in person at a passport acceptance facility like Helen Plum Library.
For application forms, information on documentation required, fees, and a wealth of other passport and international travel information, visit the only official website for passport information Also feel free to contact the Patron Services Desk at (630) 627-0316.
Currently the Library does not offer passport photos as a service, but there are multiple places locally where passport photos can be obtained.
Ready, Set, Go!
Ready to go but not sure where to begin? Helen Plum Library has a collection of resources featuring travel information on many different countries, travel guides, and more!
Visit the catalog for travel guides or try our language-learning resource, Mango Languages!