Administrative Procedures
It is the policy of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District to permit access to and copying of public records in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, balanced by the limited exceptions recognized in the Act to safeguard individual privacy and the efficient operation of the Library and by the purpose of the Act not to further commercial enterprise.
FOIA Officers:
- Michelle Baumann, Business Office Manager & HR Coordinator
- Alex Vancina, Technology & Metadata Services Manager
Procedure for Requesting Records
Any person requesting records of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District may make such a request digitally or in writing to:
FOIA Officer
411 South Main Street
Lombard, Illinois 60148
- Email a Request
- Submit a request using the form on this page
- Print Out a Request Form
Requests may also be submitted at any public service desk during any hours the Library is open.
Retrieval and Copying of Records by Employees Only
Only employees of the Library designated by Library Administration may retrieve and/or copy records.
Rev. 06/22/2023
The fees for copying any such records are as follows:
- First 50 pages, black and white, 8-1/2 x 11” or 8-1/2 x 14”: FREE
- Subsequent pages, black and white: $ .15 per page
- Color copies: $1.00 per page
Helpful Information
- Approved Minutes of Board of Trustees Meetings
- Minutes of Closed Sessions opened to the public by Board action
- Library Bylaws
- Policies adopted by the Board of Trustees
- Administrative Procedures
- Annual Reports submitted to the Illinois State Library
- Reports of Library Director and Departments to the Board of Trustees
- Applications for Per Capita Grant
- Library Budget
- Annual Tax Levy Extensions and Equalized Assessed Valuation
- Investment Reports
- Statement of Revenues vs. Expenditures
- Listing of Bills Payable
- Vendor’s List of bills/invoices
- Annual Audit by outside accounting firm
- Listing of employees by name, denoting title, salary, and date of employment
- Employee job descriptions
- Salary schedule
- Employee timesheets
rev. 4/21/2014
The Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District is a unit of local government, incorporated and organized under the laws of the State of Illinois for the purpose of providing its residents with the following services:
- Establishing, equipping, and maintaining a public library.
- Providing services and acquiring and circulating books and other educational materials for the recreational, social, informational, and educational needs of the community.
- Providing reference and reading spaces.
- Doing all other things necessary to carry on efficient public library service.
The amount of the 2023-2024 operating budget, exclusive of reserves, of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District, is $8,092,351.00.
The Library’s sole office is located at 411 South Main Street in Lombard, Illinois 60148.
The Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District departments are Administration, Adult Library Services, Facility & Security Services, Marketing, Patron Services, Technology and Metadata Services, and Youth & Teen Services.
Helen Plum Library employs approximately 34 Full Time and 27 Part-Time staff. (2/15/2024)
The Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District Board of Library Trustees exercises control over our policies and procedures, which meets monthly on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Library. Please check the calendar to confirm these dates and locations, and view information about Board Members and their responsibilities.
Information on Compensation Packages and our Salary Schedule can be found here.