Voter Information

We are a polling place for the Consolidated Election on Tue, Apr 1 • 6am-7pm
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Update on Activity at New Building Site

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Helen Plum Library has completed closing and now officially owns the property at 401 and 425 South Main Street. With this step completed, we are now set to begin the initial phases of construction.

Currently, the Library is accepting bid proposals for asbestos abatement work that will be completed prior to the demolition of the buildings. The bids are due at the Library on March 17, 2021 at 11am. The bids will be publicly opened at that time. As required by law, the general contractor will award the project to the qualified subcontractor with the most competitive bid. The Library Board will approve the bids at a Special Board meeting on March 22.

A construction fence with a locked gate will be erected around the properties the week of March 15, and the asbestos abatement process is scheduled to begin the week of April 4. The abatement work is expected to continue through the month of April.

The next step in the project will be the demolition of the buildings. We will do another round of bidding for this project beginning in mid-March, and demolition is scheduled to begin in early May.
