TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Library Trustees of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Public Library District, DuPage County, Illinois, as of November 20, 2024, has available a copy of its audit report for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. The Audit may be publicly inspected at the main office of the Library District at 411 S Main Street, Lombard, Illinois, during normal business hours which are Monday-Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, and Sunday 1pm-5pm.
By the Board of Library Trustees
Helen M. Plum Public Library District
Helen Plum Library is a district public library. A district is responsible for all of its operations, services, staff, and stewardship of the facility. Our fiscal year runs July 1–June 30. Financial information is available in the links on this page.
Budget Process
The Library develops a proposed working budget. Drafts of the proposed budget are discussed in a series of Staff and Board meetings. When a final draft is arrived at, the Board approves a working budget.
The legal spending authority is set by the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance, proposed in the fall and adopted after a public hearing. Future dates for these meetings will be available on our Library Board page.
Compensation Packages
Public Disclosure of Compensated Employees in Excess of $75,000
The Helen Plum Library’s compensation and benefits program is designed to attract and retain accomplished and experienced staff at competitive wages and benefits for comparable work in the marketplace. Annually, the Library reviews salary/benefits information from the State of Illinois IPLAR and LACONI compensation surveys.
As required by The Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120) The Library must disclose certain total employee compensation packages within six business days after a budget has been approved, IMRF employers must post the total compensation package for each employee exceeding $75,000 per year and at least six days before approving a total compensation package in excess of $150,000 per year. Total compensation package is considered to be salary, employer portion of health insurance (medical, dental and vision), vehicle allowance, gasoline usage (prior year actual usage will be used as an estimate), housing allowance, loans, bonus, and clothing allowance. The number of vacation and sick days to be granted or accrued during the next twelve months will be stated as well. This information for employees of the Helen Plum Library is posted in the Administrative Office: 411 South Main Street, Lombard, Illinois. Current hours of operation can be found on our homepage.
IMRF Employer Cost and Participation Information
Public Act 101-0504 requires IMRF employers that have a website to include a link to this web page, no later than January 1, 2021.
Click here to view.
Transparency in Coverage
Transparency in Coverage Final Rule (MRF)
This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers.