Exhibit Request Form

Request for Use/Display Location
Located in the First Floor Hub (Lobby)
Located on the 2nd Floor next to the Fireplace
Month Preference for Exhibit (Choose up to 3)


By checking the boxes below, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the following statements:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and received a copy of C-1 Exhibits, Community Board, and Materials for Distribution policy and agree to comply with all of the provisions contained therein.
Set-up and removal are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Hardware and fittings are supplied by the Library. 
Exhibitors desiring to sell exhibited items must secure permission and make special arrangements with the Library prior to the exhibit’s installation. Prices of exhibit pieces may not be posted. The artist’s contact information may be displayed. The Library does not handle any exhibitor sales transactions. All transactions of this nature are to be handled directly by the exhibitor and the exhibitor’s client.

The Library assumes no responsibility for materials, equipment, or any other articles left by the exhibitor in the Library and will not be liable for loss, theft, or damage. Exhibitors using Library exhibit space assume responsibility for any damage they incur to Library property.

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