Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Header


Inspiring our community to connect, discover, and grow. 


We strive to be a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community hub providing access to information, diverse resources, technology, and services—connecting people to learning opportunities and to each other. 

Our Three-Year Strategic Plan

During the summer of 2020, Helen Plum Library surveyed the community as a key to understanding our current strengths, which services we provide are most valued by our community, and to pinpoint areas of focus for future growth. 

We appreciate that more than 1,120 residents took the time to participate in the survey. In addition, internal surveys were completed by our staff and Board members. The resulting feedback indicated the desire for Helen Plum Library to increase community partnerships through enhanced outreach services, provide additional diverse programming, improve community awareness of services, and increase accessibility in the new building.  

Using the survey analysis, Board and staff members reviewed the feedback to narrow in on strategic directions and goals. In February and March, the Board worked on refining the Library’s vision and mission statements while Library staff focused on developing possible action steps to achieve the goals of the new Strategic Plan.

Helen Plum Library remains committed to the community and the core library services we provide. We are excited about the focus our new Strategic Plan will bring through 2024 and hope it inspires growth and change over the next three-plus years that will lead to increased positive impact for the community.

View the Strategic Plan summary graphic from the Fall 2021 print newsletter insert.

Strategic Directions


We are a place for community connection. We reach out to all to invite and facilitate conversation and collaboration.


We offer and encourage trusted access to information, use of technology, and ways to experience the joy of reading and discovery.


We are a vibrant community center that cultivates belonging. Our dedicated staff and Trustee advocates support the expansion of the Library’s role as a vital community hub.