B-11 Search Warrants (Conventional)

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B-11 Policy for Search Warrants – Conventional
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees October 21, 2014.

This Policy for Search Warrants - Conventional is designed to assist Library Staff in responding to conventional search warrants, i.e., search warrants not issued under the Patriot Act. A separate policy exists for search warrants issued under the Patriot Act given the non-disclosure requirements of the Patriot Act.

For purposes of this Policy, conventional search warrants are referred to as “search warrants/cv”.

Library Staff will cooperate with law enforcement officials to allow access to items within the scope of the search warrant/cv while at the same time seek to protect the rights of patrons in accordance with the Illinois Library Records Confidentiality Act (75 ILCS 70/1-2).

  • Designated Library Individual - The Library Director will handle all requests to search Library records pursuant to a search warrant/cv.  In the absence of the Director, the Person in Charge will deal with a search warrant/cv.
  • Identify Serving Officer - The Library Director or Person in Charge will request identification from law enforcement officials and record their names, badge numbers, and agencies.
  • Review Search Warrant/CV for Content - The Library Director or Person in Charge will review the search warrant/cv when served and will contact the Library Attorneys for consultation concerning the scope of the search warrant/cv and compliance procedures.
  • Request the Presence of Library Attorney - The Library Director or Person in Charge will ask law enforcement officials to wait until the Library Attorney is present before beginning the search.
  • Cooperate with Officials - The Library Director or Person in will cooperate with law enforcement officials to help identify the materials falling within the scope of the search warrant/cv.
  • No Access to Other Records - The Library Director or Person in will not permit access to materials beyond the scope of the search warrant/cv, i.e., materials not specifically identified in the search warrant/cv.
  • Record Evidence Viewed or Taken - The Library Director or Person in will record all materials viewed, copied, or removed from the Library during the search.
  • Provide this Policy - To assist law enforcement officials, a copy of this Policy will be provided promptly to the officials upon their arrival at the Library.
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