P-16 Staff Development

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P-16 Staff Development
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees, March 14, 2017.

Except as specifically noted below, this policy applies both to employees and Trustees.  

The Library will pay membership dues in the Illinois Library Association and the American Library Association for the Director and all Department Heads.

Staff members are allowed time for attendance at professional conferences, meetings or programs and/or meetings beneficial to their job, when the work schedule of the Library permits. Such attendance by staff members must be approved by the employee's supervisor, working within the guidelines of the budget.

The Library Director approves all overnight trips for staff. Such trips and attendance at conferences and workshops must meet the needs of the Library.

If more Trustees than budgeted wish to attend a continuing education opportunity, the Board of Trustees will vote to approve this before registration.

Priority is given to Trustees, the Director, and Department Heads. Factors which help determine the extent or appropriateness of Library support are membership in the sponsoring professional organization, committee membership, leadership in the organization, and pertinence of the meeting to the employee's Library responsibilities.

The Library will pay for:
Registration fees including pre-conferences

Salary to employees for time spent traveling to and from continuing education events, including time spent at the event.

If the employee stays an extra day at the library’s request to save money on fares, s/he will be paid for 8 hours that extra day.

In addition to the following general guidelines on travel, meals, and accommodations for conferences and educational events, reimbursements of expenses are subject to P-17 [FORMERLY P-23], Reimbursement of Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expenses Policy.

Travel Guidelines:
Auto mileage if less than a 6 hour drive away; Airfare, if more than 6 hours away Parking (or public transportation, if more convenient)

Housing Guidelines: 
At conferences, employees should stay at a conference hotel, as there is usually a cost savings. Where there is no conference hotel, employees should stay at a moderately priced motel or hotel. 

Meal Guidelines:

The Library will pay for meals, awards ceremonies, banquets and gala parties which are part of professional conferences.

The maximum reimbursement for meals per day is $50 or the GSA limit for that city, whichever is less.

Additional Guidelines:

The Library does not provide cash advances to staff or Trustees who travel. However, Library pre-payment of such things as conference registration and airline fares is encouraged.

The Library will NOT pay for: 
Attending guests of current employees or Trustees 

Expenses incurred during work-related travel that are purely for entertainment (movies, plays, museums, non-Library tours, or in-room movies) even if they are advertised as sponsored by a professional association

Parking tickets and speeding tickets while on Library business

Alcoholic drinks 

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