P-25 Accidents and Unsafe Working Conditions

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P-25 Accidents and Unsafe Working Conditions [FORMERLY P-16]
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees, June 10, 2014.

All accidents involving employees during working hours or while on Library premises, and all other accidents in which the Library or its property are involved directly or indirectly, including those involving patrons of any age, are to be reported immediately to the Director or Person in Charge.

Any unsafe working conditions are to be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor, the Director, or Person in Charge.

In the event of an accident to a library employee while on duty, medical bills, compensation and allowances legally provided are paid by Worker's Compensation Insurance carried by the Library. No responsibility is or will be assumed for payment of bills or other dispensation other than granted under applicable law.

When salary payments are made during a period of disability, compensation disability payments must be endorsed over to the Library, as an employee is not entitled to disability benefits during salary continuation.

An employee injured on the job will be reimbursed by the Library for a maximum of three (3) entire or partial days, provided a doctor's statement has been received stating s/he is not able to work, until worker's compensation takes over starting on the fourth day.

If the disability lasts for fourteen (14) calendar days or more from the date of the injury, Worker's Compensation Insurance will pay retroactively for the first three days and the employee shall reimburse the Library for the amount of the Worker's Compensation Insurance received for the first three days. This policy may be superseded by applicable Worker’s Compensation laws. 

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