P-3 Salaries and Wages

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P-3 Salaries and Wages
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees November 21, 2023.

Salaries and wages for Library employees are paid bi-weekly.

As funds allow, minimum salaries and wages for all employees of the Library are equal to or above the median for other public libraries in the DuPage area. A compensation benchmark should be conducted every three to five years.

Salaries and hourly rates are determined by the Library Director within the limits of a written salary schedule and are based on the qualifications, educational background, and nature of the duties performed.

Annual increases in salaries and wages will be considered within the framework of the budget approved by the Board of Trustees and implemented at the beginning of each fiscal year in July.

Full-time salaried employees

Full-time employees are paid an annual salary divided across 26 two-week pay periods and based on 1950 hours per year. Full-time employees participate in IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) through required employer and employee contributions.

Full-time exempt employees are not entitled to overtime pay.

Full-time non-exempt employees, if authorized by their manager to work more than 37.5 hours in any work week, will earn compensatory time off for the hours over 37.5 and compensatory time-and-a-half off for the hours over 40. At the discretion of the Director, overtime pay may be authorized.

Holiday, vacation, personal, and sick time do not count as hours worked for purposes of overtime.

Regular Part-time employees

Part-time employees are paid an hourly wage for time worked.

Eligible part-time employees (working 1000 hours or more annually) participate in IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) through required employer and employee contributions.

Non-eligible  part-time employees (working less than 1000 hours annually) do not participate in IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund).

Substitute and Seasonal employees

Substitute and seasonal employees are paid an hourly wage for time worked.


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