P-30 Grievance

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P-30 Grievance

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees, November 21, 2023.

An employee grievance is a concern or problem that an employee has about their work, their workplace, or another person, including a colleague, manager, or Board Trustee.

Grievances should be raised and prioritized as soon as possible after the occurrence.

Grievances unresolved at any step should then be brought to the next step as soon as possible.

Any form of retaliation against an employee who reports a grievance or participates in an investigation is strictly prohibited.

A written record should be kept of information gathered, including but not limited to written communication and summaries of verbal communications with all parties, be that the employee, other staff member, or source of specialist knowledge; decision reached; actions taken; and the response of the employee who raised the grievance regarding the actions taken.

Grievance Steps:

Step 1: An employee with a grievance is asked to review the issue with their direct manager and HR Manager. This can be in writing or in a meeting. The employee should give their manager and HR Manager an opportunity to establish the facts through an investigation[1] before responding. The manager and HR Manager are expected to respond promptly (ideally within 5 working days) in writing to the employee.

Step 2: If the grievance is unresolved, the employee may request a joint meeting with their manager, the HR Manager, and the Executive Director. The employee should give the Executive Director and HR Manager an opportunity to further investigate before responding. The Executive Director and HR Manager may opt to contact an external professional to ensure the investigation remains objective and fair for all parties concerned. The Executive Director and HR Manager are expected to respond promptly (ideally within 5 working days) in writing to the employee.

Step 3: If the grievance remains unresolved, the employee can request that the Executive Director forward the employee’s written grievance to the Board. The Executive Director must add it to the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The decision of the Board is final. The Board President will provide the Executive Director with a written response. The employee will receive notification of the Board’s decision.

Grievances about Co-workers

When a grievance is between members of staff who encounter each other at work and the situation could worsen or be uncomfortable during the investigation, adjustments may be made so that contact is reduced until the investigation concludes and a decision is made. The adjustments made during this period are intended to maintain a healthy work environment for all staff.


[1] The grievance should be investigated by a member of staff who is not involved with the complaint. For example, if the grievance is against the employee’s manager, the investigation should be conducted by the HR Manager.

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