U-8 Drug and Alcohol-Free Library - Patrons

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Usage & Access


U-8 Drug and Alcohol-Free Library – Patrons[1]
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees December 20, 2022.

The illicit manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, look- alike drugs, drug paraphernalia, and the manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and its derivatives as defined by Illinois and Federal statute, at any time, is not permitted at any library location.

“Library location” means in any library building, on any library premises, or at any library-sponsored activity where patrons are engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of the Library.

A patron who violates the terms of this policy may be expelled from the library location involved or any library location at the discretion of the Library and use privileges may be suspended for a specified period of time. The Library may, at its discretion, refer incidents to the appropriate legal authority for prosecution when this policy is violated.

The Illinois Liquor Control Act allows an exception for public library districts to approve the delivery and sale of alcohol in library-owned buildings during fundraising events or programs of a cultural or educational nature. The Library's Board of Trustees is required to have a written policy governing how and when alcohol can be sold and served at a specific event; Policy C-6, Alcohol at Library Events, governs these specific circumstances.


[1] Policy P-24 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace applies to employees of the Library.

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