Studio 411 Appointments

About Studio 411 Appointments

  • Studio 411 appointments are available for ages 18 and up, but library kids over the age of 12 are welcome with their library grown-ups.
  • Appointment requests are approved based on staff availability.
  • A Helen Plum Library Card is required.

Connect With Us

Studio 411 Staff
(630) 627-0316 ext. 722

Appointment Availability

Please note: Saturday appointments are limited. To inquire about Saturday availability, please email

Request a Studio 411 Appointment

Studio space with large windows and natural light, gray floors, wooden tables and lofted ceiling with wood panelling.

Book an appointment for up to two hours to work on your own project with Studio equipment. This type of appointment is intended to be independent work time. Appointments are approved based on staff availability.

Room Details
stylized yellow light bulb with words 'book-a-maker studio appointments' in text next to it

Book an appointment for up to two hours to work on your own project with Studio Staff, ask questions, and learn how to use Studio equipment. This appointment type is intended for beginners needing one-on-one help with a project or with equipment. Appointments are approved based on staff availability.

Room Details
Recording equipment with microphone and mixing board in the Recording Lab

Book an appointment for up to two hours to work on your own project in the Recording Lab. Appointments are approved based on staff availability.

Room Details