
Name Type Last Reviewed Date
P-1 Appointments Personnel
P-1.1 Background Check Disclosure Personnel
P-2 Classification of Employees Personnel
P-3 Salaries and Wages Personnel
P-4 Hours of Work & Schedules Personnel
P-5 Insurance Personnel
P-6 Retirement Plans Personnel
P-7 Vacation Personnel
P-8 Holidays Personnel
P-9 Personal Time Personnel
P-10 Sick Time, Paid Personnel
P-11 Serious Illness or Death in the Family Personnel
P-12 Parental Leave Personnel
P-13 Unpaid Leave of Absence Personnel
P-14 Jury Duty, Court Leave, and Voting Personnel
P-15 Telecommuting Personnel
P-15.1 Telecommuting Agreement Personnel
P-16 Staff Development Personnel
P-17 Travel and Training Reimbursement; Other Reimbursements Personnel
P-18 Tuition Reimbursement Personnel
P-19 Service Anniversaries, Retirement, Employee & Trustee Recognition Personnel
P-20 Flowers, Acknowledgements, and Memorials Personnel
P-21 Attendance Personnel
P-22 Personnel Records and Updates Personnel
P-23 PLACEHOLDER Personnel