
Name Type Last Reviewed Date
P-26 Anti-Bullying Personnel
P-27 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Personnel
P-28 Placeholder Personnel
P-29 Discipline Personnel
P-30 Grievance Personnel
P-31 Voluntary or Involuntary Termination Personnel
P-32 Blood and Organ Donation Leave Personnel
U-1 Use of Materials and Facilities Usage & Access
U-2 Patron Behavior Usage & Access
U-3 Unattended Children Usage & Access
U-4 Confidentiality Usage & Access
U-5 Materials Selection Usage & Access
U-5.1 American Library Association's Bill of Rights Usage & Access
U-5.2 American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement Usage & Access
U-5.3 American Library Association's Freedom to View Statement Usage & Access
U-6 Reference Services Usage & Access
U-7 Internet Usage & Access
U-8 Drug and Alcohol-Free Library - Patrons Usage & Access
U-10 Social Media Usage & Access
U-11 IT Security Usage & Access
U-12 Security Cameras Usage & Access